When visiting Santa Monica, I was able to catch a certain ambience portrayed. I visited in the beginning of February, yet the sky only had light wisps of clouds and there were people bustling on the streets, malls, and sand as if it was summer. An out-of-state USC graduate student I ran into described Santa Monica as the "image of California, what you imagine California to be like before you arrive here."
Santa Monica seems to be a place that promotes healthiness and safety. The public and more accessible portions of the beach contain exercise areas with paths for both bikes and walking. Smoking is prohibited in almost all areas of the tourist attraction areas of Santa Monica. The beaches, malls, and streets leading up to the beaches contain signs that show no smoking. As well, across all ends of the beach are signs that note rules that must be followed, including no drinking or profane activity, showing that the city of Santa Monica wants to emphasize on its family orientation.

Safety is exemplified through the security cameras placed throughout the streets. As well, there is law enforcement on non-imposing modes of transportations such as bikes. In more private places, cop cars were present to ward off suspicious characters.
Official Santa Monica Website
history of Santa Monica
How to you think Santa Monica Pier would serve a better public place for people with lower income or people who do not go shopping often?
ReplyDeleteSanta Monica Pier would serve a better public place for people with lower income by having more street entertainment or restaurants that cater towards families. Those who don't go shopping can always relax on the benches that are around the pier.